Zvonárska 3
075 01
075 01
Kollárova 8
075 01
075 01
About company
The company was founded in 1990s, having two generations of its forerunners that dealt with wide range of production from electromotors, machinery engineering producion, services linked with electrotechnics to its contemporary production.
The main idea of the company is the state of not being fully dependent on other cooperating suppliers what guarantees quality of production secured by our own inspection. Most of our products are protected by the utility design of Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic.
Our final products are presenting on market under two trade marks, electrotechnical products under the trade mark of SANO and other final products under the trade mark of PM-PIS.
The materials we use are bought from worldwide known and prestigious companies what is another guarantee that our products are of good quality. The company has its own laboratory used for measuring and each product is calibrated and stamped by production number. Products are certified by acredited institutions. Company´s business policy is led by one expert purchaser with having wide international scope in the fields of sale demands and technical information. The state that 90 % of our products are exported to the whole world has been reached thanks to used technologies, resourcefulness,good cooperation with purchasers and suppliers and high quality as well.
Our final products are presenting on market under two trade marks, electrotechnical products under the trade mark of SANO and other final products under the trade mark of PM-PIS.

The materials we use are bought from worldwide known and prestigious companies what is another guarantee that our products are of good quality. The company has its own laboratory used for measuring and each product is calibrated and stamped by production number. Products are certified by acredited institutions. Company´s business policy is led by one expert purchaser with having wide international scope in the fields of sale demands and technical information. The state that 90 % of our products are exported to the whole world has been reached thanks to used technologies, resourcefulness,good cooperation with purchasers and suppliers and high quality as well.